
I will do anything to be referred to as "scholar"

etymology of B'Gock -It came from bmd. Well, it came from people he knew from NJ who played this game in the car where the person behind the passenger seat pulled the passenger's seat belt really hard and fast around their throat. The theory being that the sudden strangulation would make the person gasp "b'gock"

follow from there that the 1.22.99 worcester jam is the musical equivalent of acute strangulation and we're all set...

other person posting:
"Well, it came from people he knew from NJ who played this game in the car where the person behind the passenger seat pulled the passenger's seat belt really hard and fast around their throat."What kind of game is that?! That's not cool! I would kick the ass of any person who ever did this to me!!

thanks for giving us the 411 Jaimee... :o)

"What kind of game is that?! That's not cool!"

HAHAHAHHA. I seriously had to back away from the computer to laugh.


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