
everything is 9$

so my new favorite thing is beer. I guess it started at coventry, where there was a plethora of good beer. sammy smith and lambic and some stuff from a place where colleen is the golden girl after spending 200$. Its nice to walkaround with a 15$ beer like its a 40. Anyways Ive managed to hold onto that buzz and translate it into grad student favorite PBR. Which brings me to my faovrite story of the week. Roger, nicole and patrick were comign over to pre drink and i went to our little bodega for a six pack. Still in SF mode i asked how much the tecate is. 9$! Holy! Imported. So i ask how much the sierra is...9$. Ok so thats a cali beer. thats little odd and all. newcastle 9$. HOLY CRAP. have i fell into a bizarro hole? and the kicker...guniess is, as well, 9$.


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