- MLB - Stark%3A Wild Pitches: "Fortunately%2C Dunn%27s mighty homer off Lima didn%27t break any windows or cause any concussions. According to an HOK architect who helped design the park%2C it landed on a street named Mehring Way%2C a ridiculous 535 feet from home plate.%0D%0AThen it hopped along for another 200 feet or so and came to rest on a piece of driftwood on the banks of the Ohio River. Which%2C according to local geographers%2C meant it was hit in Ohio and came to rest in KENTUCKY. So maybe it just wanted to visit Smarty Jones on the stud farm. That%27s as good an explanation as any.%0D%0A%22I couldn%27t hit a golf ball that far%2C%22 Reds reliever Phil Norton told the Dayton Daily News%27 Hal McCoy.%0D%0A%22He couldn%27t%2C%22 Dunn concurred. %22Ever see him play golf%3F%22%0D%0AMcCoy reports that the baseball eventually was retrieved off that driftwood by an electrician named Tom Tuerck. Which is a shame%2C in retrospect. Think how cool it would have been to just leave that baseball alone and let it float off down the river.%0D%0AWho knows where it might eventually have ended up%3F That Ohio River%2C after all%2C flows all the way into western Pennsylvania.%0D%0A%22It probably would have wound up in Pittsburgh%2C%22 said Casey. %22And Jason Kendall would have found it on his way to work.%22"
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