We're going to New Orleans!

I dunno if ive mentioned this before, but next week David and I are going on a roadtrip. We're going with the school to volunteer, but me being me has taken the travel money to work in a road trip filled with friend chicken, pictures of broken down appalachia, and possibly pittsburgh. Then we get tyvek suits and masks to wear while we gut sad houses :(
But first, in a last gasp before midtems, wednesday was super fun. Aside form the fact that i couldnt competently speak in class to save my butt, Eddie came to class with me. I brought a rock star to the colloquim, which would have been absurd, but some guy brought a baby. again. And we have a chicago professor talk about how its exclusionary amenities is its required membership is collective nerdiness. "We just are huge nerds. We all like to hang out together and tlak about law constantly. Law Law Law. Unlike Stanford, where they go out in diads." Seriously, and somehow this made Eddie want to go to law school.
Then we played dressed up to go to the Tibet House benefit at Carnegie Hall featuring Sufjan Stevens. Which i knew was a hippie event of years passed and everyone else would be in flannel. And the person I ran into was AMY! So awesome. And she wound up sitting across the aisle from us (with not noah). The show was amazing. Although Sufjan was short, seeing Phillip Glass play the hours theme with a tibetan fiddler, who then when all tribal with the digeridoo, was incredible. Music is definately the best art form. Aside from the fact thats its just fun, its so easy for people of all styles and background to just get together and synergize their arts on a moments notice. And if the closing everybody on stage song, following alan toussaint ("How do you get to carnegie hall? Get a booking agent named Katrina'), and Sufjan *rocked* the triangle.
Afterwards we went to Carnegie deli, and made the best menu call ever, Matzoh Brei!

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