
why do i have a feeling this is not on the up and up?

After some arrangements, you now can access eviews at the NYU lab on 12th st. Attached below is the email confirming it:

Good News! ---- who is in charge of the Stat Mapping
Computational Lab which is inside of the Third Avenue North Dorm ITS Lab at
12th Streets and 3rd Ave. The lab can be accessed from the 12th Street
entrance and is down 2 levels. Room #1 has 6 machines that have E-views 4
on it. This lab is not advertised as a 24 hour lab but can be used like
one if the following procedures are followed:

If you arrive and room #1, the Stat Mapping Computational Lab is locked,
just ask for the key for this room from the front desk of the main ITS lab
area. The key is kept in the Stats Mapping Mailbox. Frank said that this
was okay to give out to the MA students. The ITS lab staff know that if
the person knows to ask for the key, it's okay to let them in the lab any
time of day. Please remind the students to turn the key back in when they
leave. Please also remind them to NOT log out of the workstations when
they are done using them.

Maybe i should arrive in black with grappelling hooks...


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