
and good luck!

In 2004-05 there were 9 students disciplined for cheating on exams or plagiarizing exams or papers. Sanctions included "FX", which is failure for cheating, on the transcript and letters to permanent law school files. Those sanctioned included students from the first-year class, the upper-class, and the LLM-class; some were domestic students while others were international students. In some cases, students who were caught cheating on exams claimed that although they were talking during the exam, they were not talking about the exam. This was *not* a valid excuse. It is cheating to talk to your classmate about anything during an in-class exam. In some cases, students who plagiarized claimed that although they copied material without attribution, the reason was that their notes got mixed up with their original work. This was *not* deemed a valid excuse. You are responsible for attributing to others work that is not your own.


At 9:05 AM, Blogger Daphne said...

As if I didn't want to go postal already.


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