

carrot cake

immigrant song and the gas station lady being scared of burritos

grilled cheese with bonus

franks shitting adventures: "pulling a daniel", lights going out in pharmacy and him calling me to come and stick my hand it and turn the timer

the 17 hours detour on the dirt road over the mountain

i kick ass at air hockey, but frank beats me in bowling.

i got two gravity's rainbows (minus 27 pages) for 4$ in arcata.


this street is looooonnnnngggg!

and then we threw hush puppies into the ocean with homeless people

and my friend in san diego says "your entire life is a non sequiter". And I sais, "no we just did that". He says "well sometime later it will be a non sequiter"





when finals attack

Bill just came over and was staring quizically at my Angel DVDs. He said "you know how messed up my brain is from finals? I just thought that was the new multi volume edition of Proust"

LadyRegen: i just told my best friend from elementary school (that we'll be at whisler with) that you have a daunting amount of personality


from my anonymous friends blog

"Through Phish, I learned about communities, the good AND the bad. I learned about friendship, helping out strangers, how to live out of my backpack, the presence of miracles, and the power of positive thinking. All of this sounds kinda hippie… but I think that’s a good thing. I know we weren’t out protesting a war…or trying to change the world, ala the hippies in the 60’s. But I do believe that many of us were trying to change ourselves. "


so its entirely likely that while takign this antitrust take home final over the course of the next two weeks i will driv emyself crazy with fun. seriously. Im just chilling here happily exceedingthe page limit while listening to Phish and playing with Polaris. I told fran and he asked if there was nything vibrating between my legs. Various people are betting that i forget to even go to my other finals. and the weirdest thing is, I cant even tell if Im maing stuff up at the point. Im entirely NOT using my outline, and I cant seperate what I learned in the course, what I know, and what im just thinking.


why do i have a feeling this is not on the up and up?

After some arrangements, you now can access eviews at the NYU lab on 12th st. Attached below is the email confirming it:

Good News! ---- who is in charge of the Stat Mapping
Computational Lab which is inside of the Third Avenue North Dorm ITS Lab at
12th Streets and 3rd Ave. The lab can be accessed from the 12th Street
entrance and is down 2 levels. Room #1 has 6 machines that have E-views 4
on it. This lab is not advertised as a 24 hour lab but can be used like
one if the following procedures are followed:

If you arrive and room #1, the Stat Mapping Computational Lab is locked,
just ask for the key for this room from the front desk of the main ITS lab
area. The key is kept in the Stats Mapping Mailbox. Frank said that this
was okay to give out to the MA students. The ITS lab staff know that if
the person knows to ask for the key, it's okay to let them in the lab any
time of day. Please remind the students to turn the key back in when they
leave. Please also remind them to NOT log out of the workstations when
they are done using them.

Maybe i should arrive in black with grappelling hooks...

and good luck!

In 2004-05 there were 9 students disciplined for cheating on exams or plagiarizing exams or papers. Sanctions included "FX", which is failure for cheating, on the transcript and letters to permanent law school files. Those sanctioned included students from the first-year class, the upper-class, and the LLM-class; some were domestic students while others were international students. In some cases, students who were caught cheating on exams claimed that although they were talking during the exam, they were not talking about the exam. This was *not* a valid excuse. It is cheating to talk to your classmate about anything during an in-class exam. In some cases, students who plagiarized claimed that although they copied material without attribution, the reason was that their notes got mixed up with their original work. This was *not* deemed a valid excuse. You are responsible for attributing to others work that is not your own.


LadyRegen: exams must have truly begun

Auto response from manianosmia: only if you will talk to me about antitrust

LadyRegen: i'm eating junk food only
LadyRegen: er...
LadyRegen: junk food has a monopoly on my life?
manianosmia: HAHAHA
manianosmia: so cute
LadyRegen: no, i didn't think that counted as antitrust
LadyRegen: i'm trying! :-(


Teddy Lives Large

 Posted by Picasa

Teddy Lives Large

 Posted by Picasa

tribeca good bye show

 Posted by Picasa


from a 1L I know

Speaking of feeling dumb, I'm trying to do my civ pro outline. It's an
awful experience - how to get around reading everything all over again?
Clearly taking 2 hours per case is not going to work. Any suggestions?
By the way, having your outline has been great. And it contains some
gems, like this:
"Then we get into this entire discussion over what is truly substantive.
Is anything. And then we allude to eire. And then my head hurts."


emergency naptime procedures implementes

Peek-a-boo! All your psychic runaways are belong to me.

from my math class friend

10 more days left until class is over. Good. Only having to sit thru 1 one more 2 hour lecture. Great. Never
having to hear her try to pronounce homogeneous again... Priceless.


manianosmia: TOTALLY
manianosmia: ROUGH JUSTICE
LadyRegen: and coming from Holmes
LadyRegen: that's ROUGH
manianosmia: dude
manianosmia: we're already applyign rough justice to other situations
LadyRegen: like your schedule next semester is rough justice
manianosmia: HAHAHA
manianosmia: EXACTLY

The Dead's Gamble: Free Music for Sale - New York Times

The Dead's Gamble: Free Music for Sale - New York Times: "The Dead did a quick turnabout - call it a half-step uptown toodleloo - this week. First, band representatives told the Live Music Archive, at www.archive.org, which includes countless jam-band concerts in its repository of freely downloadable music, to stop making available its trove of live Grateful Dead recordings, which have been free online for years. Grateful Dead Merchandising (www.gdstore.com) now sells downloads of the band's own concert recordings, and didn't want free competition.

Fans were so furious that within days, the band was forced to relent partway. Now recordings made by audience members are back on the archive, available for download. The Dead's pristine soundboard recordings, with minimal crowd noise, are no longer available for quick downloading, but can be played as streams (and recorded in real time). It's not a complete reversal, but all the music is online again. Now, however, the Dead are going to find out how difficult half measures can be.
Skip to next paragraph
Forum: Popular Music

The Dead's easygoing attitude toward concert recordings had been a bulwark of its legend. At concerts, there was always an authorized 'tapers' section' - a mini-forest of high-quality microphones on long poles - and the band never tried to stop fans from trading the recordings, as long as they werensold. The traders' network upgraded through the years from cassettes by mail to digital downloads.

Doubtless there were some cottage-industry sellers of Dead concerts. But on the whole, fans respected a simple ethic: Enjoy, don't profiteer. With no restrictions imposed, fans took it upon themselves to do the right thing. The more committed ones went beyond passive listening to active, time-consuming archiving, editing and processing of the music they cherished: making, for instance, so-called matrix recordings that synched the clean soundboard signal with a touch of audience recording for a more realistic ambience. And it all existed, like so much of the Dead's example and legacy, outside the structures of the recording business.

As in so many other ways, the Grateful Dead set an example for jam bands (and other do-it-yourself types), who found that concert recordings were a great way to build word of mouth. Sites like archive.org sprang up; there's also a Napster-like peer-to-peer interface, the Furthur Network (www.furthur.net, named after the destination sign on the Merry Pranksters' bus, which the Dead once rode). It swaps recordings from an approved list of performers, including the Dead, the Dave Matthews Band and Sigur Ros.

For the Grateful Dead, and the many bands that emulated them, there was logic to the whole libertarian enterprise, as well as to the old hippie spirit. Each improvisational concert was different, and thus worth collecting. The best ones would convince new fans that they had to see the next concert, and the next. The band not only was handsomely paid in the first place for shows that routinely sold out arenas, but also kept its own recordings should it ever want to issue them. (It has done so, in 36 volumes of multiple-CD collections called "Dick's Picks.")

There was also something far less tangible and pragmatic, but no less essential: a generous suggestion that once the music was in the air, it belonged as much to listeners as to the band. The concert recordings were like memories, to be shared and savored, rather than products. On his Web site (www.phillesh.net), the Dead's bassist, Phil Lesh, writes about using archive.org to hear old concerts while writing his autobiography. Even if a Deadhead was not downloading dozens of concerts, the boundless opportunity to do so meant something. There was a bond of trust between the band and its fans - one that is now strained.

The Dead are thus the latest victims of the notion that digital copying is qualitatively different from every recording technology since the invention of music notation. Yes, digital copying is fast; it's exact; it's easy. For a recording business that has realized far too late that it is selling music, not discs, digital copying has destroyed the old monopoly on pressing and distribution.

Digital downloads can also provide numbers for accountants to tabulate and for statistics-mongers to misinterpret. (Just because 10,000 people download a concert doesn't mean 10,000 people would pay for it.) Oddly enough, the numbers also seem to encourage visions of wringing every statutory nickel out of every recording ever made. In conformity to copyright law that was designed for sheet music and discs rather than the Web, visions persist of the Internet not as a cornucopia, but as a pay-per-play jukebox. The Deadheads' old trading network had looked back to an earlier model: music as folklore.

Suddenly, after all these amicable and profitable years, Dead representatives are talking about "rights" to those concert recordings. It's lawyer talk, record-business talk, and entirely valid on those terms; the Dead do hold copyrights and are entitled to authorize or withhold permission to copy their work. (So, incidentally, are those who own the copyrights to Dead concert staples like Buddy Holly's "Not Fade Away." )

Enforcing that permission on the Internet is another matter. Digital-rights management by technical means is iffy at best: widely circumvented by professional pirates and problematic for consumers trying, for instance, to transfer songs from their CD's to an iPod. Sony BMG Music, trying to limit copying of CD's, included software that created security hazards in its paying customers' computers and is now recalling some four million CD's and facing lawsuits. The next Windows operating system may place anticopying mechanisms beyond users' control.

The Dead's problem is more temporal than technical. Grateful Dead recordings, including soundboard recordings, have been circulating since the inception of the Internet and are not going to disappear by fiat.

The Dead had created an anarchy of trust, going not by statute but by instinct and turning fans into co-conspirators, spreading their music and buying tickets, T-shirts and official CD's to show their loyalty. The new approach, giving fans some but not all of what they had until last week, changes that relationship.

No doubt it will sell some additional concert downloads in the short run. But by imposing restrictions, it will also encourage jam-band fans - a particularly Internet-savvy demographic - to circumvent those restrictions, finding the soundboard recordings through unofficial channels. The change also downgrades fans into the customers they were all along. It removes what could crassly be called brand value from the Dead's legacy by reducing them to one more band with products to sell.

Will the logic of copyright law be more profitable, in the end, than the logic of sharing? That's the Dead's latest improvisational experiment.


after the john roberts hearings, my dad asked me "who is this Stacy Deritas they keep talking about?"

I would have been a goth if i wasnt a hippie

from Take me to the Hospital - The Faint

cause anything worth doing
is worth getting hurt for
i've made no mistakes
i'm never learning from that
i got no regrets
i wanna do it again
do it A -G- A- I- N