Beautiful Confusion
an ever recursing series of obsessions
my program drives everyone crazy
MIT Alum Dutchin Jailed After Clubbing Detective - The Tech
At first glance, Dutchin’s actions, as described by the police, seem baffling. A graduate of the prestigious Brooklyn Technical High School, Dutchin had two bachelor’s degrees, in math and physics, from MIT and a once-promising Wall Street career. In January, he earned a master’s in economics from New York University.
Overheard in New York | More Overheard Quotes (Page 2)
Overheard in New York | More Overheard Quotes (Page 2): "It Feels Good But Makes You Stupid Over Time
Guy #1: So how are you liking law school?
Guy #2: It's really satisfying.
Guy #1: Yeah?
Guy #2: Yeah, its like a bong hit of knowledge every day.
--Lower East Side
Alaska Redux

Everyones sending pictures finally. Thats me waving. Yay.

Today was also the first day of school, which was mortifying. It was such a crash between me and my rediscovered self that just wants to be rolling around in the rain in a forest somewhere and me who has to take all the really liberal required classes. Perhaps the worst thing abotu law school that i forgot was the terrible pretend humor that professors spout and the weird fake nervous laughter that the class echoes. Sadly, that has become most of those peoples real laughs.
This weekend Im gonna be basically the only person in ny, tryign to get a start on the semester well. I think the only things i have planned is going to see a screening of the forbidden zone with the director (most fucked up movie ever made, courtesy of drew, who is now making our color war video).