
more on trilemma

JoeSoHeady: which sounds, in some ways, *better* than a dilemma
JoeSoHeady: because you have more options
JoeSoHeady: (or worse because you have more options)
manianosmia: well isnt a dilemma like two bad things?
manianosmia: althoguh i see your point
JoeSoHeady: no two options of which to choose
manianosmia: diopprtunity
JoeSoHeady: lemma is neutral
manianosmia: A situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavorable or mutually exclusive
manianosmia: It is sometimes claimed that because the di– in dilemma comes from a Greek prefix meaning “two,” the word should be used only when exactly two choices are involved. Nevertheless, 64 percent of the Usage Panel accepts its use for choices among three or more options.
JoeSoHeady: yeah two unfavorable things
manianosmia: yeah theres definatelya negative connotation
JoeSoHeady: so trilemma is pretty weal
manianosmia: like an opprtunity cost type thing
JoeSoHeady: weak
manianosmia: thats why its funny that they used it
JoeSoHeady: yeah!
JoeSoHeady: hah
manianosmia: it amused me for a good twenty minutes
JoeSoHeady: polilemma !
JoeSoHeady: nooooooooo !!!!!!!
manianosmia: HAHAH
manianosmia: "you're just fucked"
JoeSoHeady: all choices suuuuuck !!
JoeSoHeady: unilemma ... just gotta face the shitty facts


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