so just to let thr world know. I am somewhat back to normal, if not entirely. This is a combination of a bunch of things. Firtly time, and getting accustomed to school, but also a high level of reprioritizing.
I think mainly i realized that i didnt leave the state of new york for 4 months last year, and that couldve done it all by itself. sayreville, if it even happened, did not count. So in response, I decided to go away as much as possible this year. Which will not only keep me occupie, and allow me to see people i know are good for me, but will add to my mystique.
So this year my weekend have been:
chuck comes to visit - this may have been the turnign point. It was aweekend of pure comfort and chuck is now my favorite person.
I go to pittsburgh to see the steelers [lose] - of note is that they have ice skate with your mascot day and smiley cookie is involved, and arthi brings me to mee the fake sam.
I go upstate - peekamoose, how i love thee let me count the ways. One beef shirt rib, two beef short rib, three....
Superbowl weekend - ok so this one sorta faltered. Although i went home and went to the sherwood before comign back and watching the game with my lawyering section.
Go to albany to see brothers past with chrissy - i love brothers past now,but more on that in a moment. Reallyt his was an excuse to go through the motions of goign on tour, bond with chrissy, and visit the egg. which had ice skating in the plaza. please excuse me for a moment.
The real story here is the venut hat BP played in. Could possibly be my ideal. Top five (please dont get mad stone church and belly up tavern). The place was called Revolution hall, on the river in Troy, complete with snowfall and some old industrial lookign bridge. In addition, the place was everything you think new england, all old wooden building with brick painted a deeep bvurgundy. And oh did I mention it was the home to Brown's Brewery, which made a sick brown ale names....deep breathe here...Brown's Brown?!
Which leads us to this weekend. Lets just say that we've closed the bar down for the last 4 nigthts. Ther've been lots of visitors. Marc was in town since last tuesday, which means tons of dirnking, eating, and takign cabs. We went out on tuesday night to 151, my new favorite local bar. (we hope, after the demise of Nuez. 151 has some cachet since its right where that woman got killed. but then again, so is our house. So you caught me, its really about convenience).
ON wednesday We got wings and then went to the magician (everyone should check out its bathroom) with theresa, ben kartzman, pickle and matty. This evening was immensely fun, and these are the next two friends of marcs that i will steal from him. Specially pickle since she seem sot have some weird in at the law school.
On thursday, well this really should be another post entiurely, but I competed in the All UNiversity games, a fake olympics where every school at NYU competes in such things as tee shirts (NYU LAW, making NYU look good since 1835), dodgeball, and...ahem..sumo wrestling. As a result of this experience...I KNOW LOVE THE LAW SCHOOL. I think because i hated everyone sle so much more, especially Stern. And everyone hates stern more than us, and stern undergrad more that you can think is possible. ("you cant buy beer!"). And i took second place in sumo. I lost to the reigning champ from the wagner school (damn i repect that school)! And sexton watrched it all while david cheered for me to sweep the leg Karate kid style.
Afterwards we went to the SBA event, but every school came. this included: marc earnign the nickname small talker, me falling of the stool, encountering the wagner sumo girl, kissing a southern econ grad student, and probabaly much other stuff I dont remember.
So then on friday Yancy came to town, for the brother past/everyone love yancy cause he was dumped party. friday night was pretyt much your eneventful "everyone get trashed somwhere in midtown and then call each other gay" type of affair. Im makign that motion that qeeuen latifah made during the grammys right now if you could see me.
ON saturday we had a nice brunch and then I found myself drunk in the dressing room of a banana republic buying yancy clothes. This was largely successful and Im very proud of him. I learned about Ben Sherman, the new designer that mystifies me, as he makes dress shirts with snaps and apparently Eddie's jacket as well. The i went to dinner with marc, ben, and Av at my new favorite restaurant, vatan.
Then I went to the brothers past Cd rel;ease party, because ericalynn was in town. their motto should be "the antidote for law school" because they are entirely visceral and devoid of thought. Its a quite wonderful experience and in my opinion mirrors whats because of the scene here. this may be the year of the bp yet. But it was also somewhat of a social implosion in the way fillmore shows used to be. Which was all good and fine until erica drunkenly said some retarded thigns and the evenign ended with a sad yancy getting in a cab with pat colleen and a way too drunk brendan. Then me, areilla, vapes styles, and ira went ot meet marc and tess at dba and proceeded to close that shit down too.
2am now. so early.
Hey there. Nice blog. Can I ask if you know of any sites like this one (Dancing On Ice) where I can meet other people interested in Dancing On Ice?
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