
ScariellaStok: oh my god yancy is so gay
manianosmia: HAHAH
manianosmia: greatest opening line ever
manianosmia: why
ScariellaStok: YantacyBisco
Posted: 11/29/04 9:41AM ET

carla: jaimee said you refused to meet me. when i pushed the point and introduced myself anyway, it was clear from your attitude she wasn't kidding. then she mocked me for the rest of the night for not listening to her.

laura: didn't know you had a nemesis currently. that sucks. i hate bisco nemeses. i would've definitely waited until setbreak to say hi to carla, but i know she isn't around by then.

on the plus side, i finally met bryan belyea. he may still despise me, but man that guy's a civil, friendly hater.


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