
making our critique so much more fun.

So we had to do a mock client interview today. The premise was that this person owned agallery and had been approached to sell art on consignment. They were seekign our advice about the liability. We had to dress up in suits and then be filmed. Afterwards, we have to critque ours and another group's interview.

funniest thing #1: the weird liability turned out to be that the guy sellign the art was a drug dealer. The prrof they gave for this was "ths guy cant be makign this much money in commercial real estate. its cleveland. he must be a drug dealer."

funniest thing #2: the group we have to critique is brad and andrew, who are both hilarious. Iwas sititing in the lounge afterwards and they come in giggling histerically and Brad says "you know how she kept tlaking about the paintings and hte hudsen river school? I asked her if that was a famous elementary school" he was serious. and he went to yale.


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